Movement indicators are based on the daily point change in an index, such as the ratio of the index to its moving average. Currently, you can access 224 movement indicators, which cover 32 stock indices. The indices are:
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- S&P 500
- Nasdaq Composite
- Nasdaq 100
- S&P 100
- S&P 400 MidCap
- S&P 600 SmallCap
- NYSE Composite
- S&P TSX Composite
- UK 100
- CAC 40
- AEX Amsterdam
- ATX Austria
- BEL-20 Brussels
- IBEX 35
- OMX Stockholm 30
- OSE Oslo All-Share
- SSMI Swiss Market
- Nikkei 225
- Hang Seng
- All Ordinaries
- Straits Times Index
- KOSPI Composite
- Shanghai Composite
- Taiwan Weighted
- Bombay Sensex
- Jakarta Composite
- NZSE 50
- IPC Mexico
- BOVESPA Brazil
- MERVAL Argentina
The R-series are calculated by dividing the closing value of the stock index by the 'Moving Average' reading that day. As an example, the value for the Nasdaq R50 today is simply the closing value of the Nasdaq divided by the average value over the last 50 days. Generally, good buying opportunities begin to appear when the indicator is at a relatively low level. So, which period should you choose? The answer is simple. Shorter periods, such as 5 or 10 days, are suitable for short term trading strategies and longer periods, such as 50 or 200 days are suitable for longer term trading strategies. On the chart, you'll find that it is much better to plot short periods over a shorter range, such as 6 months.